Breast Reduction Portland

Many women have large, heavy breasts that create an unbalanced appearance, limit their activities, and cause painful physical symptoms.  Their symptoms may include back pain, neck pain, bra strap grooving on their shoulders, and rashes under their breasts.  Large-breasted women can turn to Dr. Elisa Burgess for breast reduction in Portland. She has been providing expert plastic surgery services for over 20 years. Dr. Elisa understands there are multiple reasons to undergo breast reduction, including:

  • To decrease overall breast volume for women who feel their breasts are too large for their frame
  • To assist in alleviating the signs and symptoms of having large breasts
  • To attempt to create symmetry between two unequal breasts
  • To reduce the size of the areola


vertical breast reduction, for moderately large breasts, involves removing excess skin, fat, and breast tissue via a two-part incision–an incision around the areola (pigmented part around the nipple), and vertically from the areola to the base of the breast or along the crease. This incision pattern looks similar to a “lollipop” shape with less scarring.  Liposuction is usually done along the bra rolls and toward the side of the body. Dr. Burgess then elevates the nipple and reduces the areolar size, lifting the breast as well. Sutures are used to close the incisions and are covered with gauze and tape.


A standard or full breast reduction is for very large-breasted women and involves an anchor-shaped incision. This is a three-part incision, first going around the areola, then from the areola to the base of the breast, and then along the crease underneath the breast. Through this incision, Dr. Burgess will remove skin, fat, and breast tissue.  Liposuction is usually done along the bra rolls and toward the side of the body. Dr. Burgess then elevates the nipple and reduces the areolar size, lifting the breast as well. Sutures are used to close the incisions and are covered with gauze and tape.


Women who select breast reduction surgery, or a reduction mammaplasty, have often dealt with large, pendulous breasts for a long time. This condition is also known as breast hypertrophy or macromastia, and may cause the woman to be self conscious about her body. These breasts are so large they often lead to symptoms that may be alleviated by removing some of the breast weight.  Ideally, you should no longer be planning on having additional children, since this procedure may limit your ability to nurse. You should not be pregnant, nursing, or smoking. If you’re over the age of 30, you should have a healthy mammogram. Also if you are looking to be Treated by Dr. Elisa, she only provides breast reduction in Portland, so you would need to be able to travel if necessary.



You should prepare for two weeks of recovery, and may be advised to wear a tight camisole during this time. Instructions will be given with regard to breast massages and special compression bras or garments. Bruising, swelling and aching are likely, but most discomfort can be managed with medication. Swelling may cause some loss of feeling in the breast and nipple. It is imperative to avoid any strenuous activity or heavy lifting for at least 6 weeks. Traveling long distances is not recommended in the first month following surgery.  Ensure that you attend all scheduled exams following surgery.  Scars from the procedure will be noticeable at first, but will improve during the next year. Understand that results are not guaranteed to last a lifetime and may require future revision surgery.

As with any surgical procedure, complications and side effects are possible and may include a permanent loss of feeling in the breasts or nipples, hematoma or seroma, infection or inflammation, small sores around the nipples, permanent scars, unevenly positioned nipples, asymmetry, or other unforeseen risks.

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16865 Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 101
Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Monday-Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday hours available by appointment

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